Saturday, July 19, 2003

Чукајте и ќе ви се отвори (Матеј, 7:7)

Пред некое време се пријавив на Блогвајз, сајт што индексира блогови. При пријавувањето ми попречи тоа што земјата ми беше наречена нешто формер ово оно, па им го испратив следното писмо на раководството.

Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 12:02 AM
Subject: Remark about Blogwise

Dear Nick,

I just listed my blog, Razvigor, on Blogwise. I noticed that this might be the first blog from Macedonia to hit the site. ;-)

I have one important thing to share: Macedonians really detest when someone refers to their country as "Former Yugoslav Republic of." That addition was imposed on our country by a more powerful un-friendly neigbour, but that's a long story (which I would be happy to share, if you like - some links are at the end).

The bottom line is that it would be great if you change the phrase "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of" into just "Macedonia." All we want is to be accepted for what we are now, not what we were in the past. And anyway, there are 6 more former Yugoslav republics (Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) - if we have to bear that burden, so should they. It would be only fair to add a historical reference to whatever former "union" was a country part of for all the countries in the list: USA - former British colonies, Russia - former Soviet Republic, Greece - Former Ottoman Turkish PRovince.. ect.

With good will,
Filip Stojanovski

Background articles:

Резултат: Дечките сосем доброволно ја променија номенклатурата на сајтот, ем дознаа нешто за Македонија. За сега овој блог е единствен запишан во категоријата „Macedonia“ - се надевам ќе му се придружат и други наши.

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