Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Macedonia: The Internet must Fall - an Order from the Committe HQ | #член16

This article is also available in Macedonian 
- на македонски на Блогерај: Интернет мора да падне - наредба од Штабот на Комитетот | #член16
- на македонски на Блогспот: Интернет мора да падне - наредба од Штабот на Комитетот | #член16     

Bribe, buy-off, take over, appropriate, intimidate and if that does not work, destroy the existing media. Meanwhile, open portals "which often publish insulting information and direct attacks on individuals, firms, companies." Conduct media lynches against those who have different opinions - faux lustrations, discrediting, purges. Avoid implementation of Criminal Code [mk] when your propagandists use hate speech with impunity to incite discord and inter-ethnic intolerance. 

Bring the situation with freedom of expression to a pitiful level.

Then, declare a "solution": The Internet "must be regulated"! [mk]

In short: Hungarian scenario in a banana republic.


Because the new legislative "solutions" in Macedonia directly incite censorship through the defamation law, changes in the Criminal Code that reduce the penalties for hate speech and the limitations of the work of foreign correspondents with another bill... Find out more about the efforts of Macedonian activists who demand putting the legislative process on democratic foundations. And join in!


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